Evelyn VanKemseke honored with Buck O’Neil seat at Kansas City Royals game
By Nico Roesler
August 31, 2015
Evelyn VanKemseke has made countless contributions to the Shawnee and Kansas City area and has been recognized numerous times for her work establishing Shawnee Community Services, but none of those experiences quite compare to appearing on the giant screen at a Kansas City Royal’s game.
Not only was VanKemseke on the giant screen Wednesday night, she was offered the honor of sitting in the Buck O’Neil Legacy Seat, surrounded by more than 20 co-workers and members of her family. The 87-year-old Shawnee activist said it was something that she had been looking forward to for a long time and tops the list of many of her accomplishments.
"I’m tickled,” VanKemseke said of the honor. “I was really looking forward to seeing myself on the big screen.”
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