Persons seeking food needs, please call 913-268-7746 for more information. Pantry boxes are available by calling to schedule a day to pick up. The pantry boxes are distributed from 12:30pm until 2:30pm Tuesday thru Friday. Schedule a pick up reservation by calling 913-268-7746, beginning at 9am on Monday. Pick up reservations are taken until the list is full for the week. Do not leave a voicemail. A voicemail does not reserve a pick up day. Free bread, desserts and assorted perishables will be available Monday thru Saturday from 10am until 3pm, on a walk-in basis. No appointment, no ID, no application required. Open to the public 10am-3pm Monday thru Saturday .

Donated goods can be dropped off from 9am-2:45pm Monday – Saturday. Please do not leave any items after business hours, thank you. Donated goods are received on the west side (Barton Street side) when the gate is open. Use a grocery cart parked at the gate or if you need assistance, knock on the BLUE door.
Please consider making a monthly gift for Shawnee Community Services. Your donation helps us provide the essentials for those in need. All gifts are used locally.
monthly gift Recurring Donation
Community service and volunteer opportunities are available for:
individuals over 16 years old.
civic groups, business teams (limited to maximum five persons per group)
Court assigned community service / diversion.
Volunteer opportunities include, but not limited to, front counter/greeter/cashier; picking up bakery goods at local stores, collecting aluminum; merchandising donated household goods; handyman; janitorial; and participating in fundraisers. For more information about any of these call 913-268-7746. Interviews are required. Call for an interview appointment; no walk-ins.
Use this button to donate to the Project HOME Fund only
general fund
If you have any questions, please call 913-268-7746 for more information.
Shawnee Community Services is located at 11110 W 67th St., Shawnee, KS 66203.
Or, if you'd like, please fill out the contact form and we will do our best to respond within 24 hours.